The Fragility Fracture Network Greece (FFN GR) was established in 2018 as a Civil Non-Profit Company and operates in collaboration with the global Fragility Fracture Network (FFN).

The purpose of the network is to provide the elderly with patient-centred holistic care after a fragility fracture through an interdisciplinary approach, during both the in-hospital phase and the critical period of returning to the community. Our members are doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, lawyers, gerontologists, psychologists and other health professionals.


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Message from the Board

Dear Colleagues and Friends of the Fragility Fracture Network Greece,

Welcome to our website. FFN Gr was established in 2018 as a Civil Non-Profit Company and operates in collaboration with the global Fragility Fracture Network (FFN). The purpose of the network is to provide the elderly with patient-centred holistic care after a fragility fracture through an interdisciplinary approach, during both the in-hospital phase and the critical period of returning to the community. Our members are doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, lawyers, gerontologists, psychologists and other health professionals.

As FFN Gr members, we are committed to working towards the correction of “systemic gaps” that can be found even in better organized Health Systems. We are actually referring to the beginning of a long process which, in its initial phase, will include:

  • Establishing a registry of patients with fragility fractures in all Greek hospitals
  • Training health professionals and informal carers of the elderly to create a new holistic – interdisciplinary approach
  • Actions and programs for fall prevention in the elderly
  • Research and publications based on data from the registry, on situations directly related to fragility fractures in terms of osteoporosis, sarcopenia and susceptibility.
  • Collaboration with the Ministry of Health and other institutional actors on the development of health policies and guidelines so that FFN Gr becomes an institutional social partner in the care of the elderly.

Given that the priority is to offer quality services to elderly patients after a fracture, I invite you to support this initiative, which actually benefits young people, as the proper management of fragility fractures saves resources that could be invested in education, tackling aging and creating jobs that should be a priority for our society.

The FFN GR Board